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For detection of specific antibodies to Pseudorabies/Aujezsky Disease Virus gB in porcine (Availability/distribution: Outside the U.S. and Canada)
bactotype C. burnetii PCR Kit (96 reactions)
For qualitative identification and quantification of DNA from Coxiella burnetii in 60 mins (Availability/distribution: Outside the U.S. and Canada)
cador B. hyodysenteriae Primers/Probes (96 reactions)
Primers and probes for amplification of DNA from Brachyspira hyodysenteriae
virotype CSFV RT-PCR Kit
For detection of RNA from Classical Swine Fever Virus (Availability/distribution: Outside the U.S. and Canada)
virotype SARS-CoV-2 (RdRP) Positive Control (30 reactions)
Synthetically derived nucleic acids of the SARS Coronavirus (Availability/distribution: Outside the U.S. and Canada)
For screening and detection of antibodies to Bovine Viral Diarrhoea Virus types I, II and III (Availability/distribution: Outside the U.S. and Canada)
intype IC-DNA (1ml)
DNA template control for qPCR (amplification control/positive control for DNA extraction)
For detection of specific antibodies to Brucella in bovine, ovine, caprine and porcine samples (Availability/distribution: Outside the U.S. and Canada)
virotype PEDV/TGEV/PDCoV Primers/Probes
Primers and probes for amplification of RNA from Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea Virus (PEDV), Transmissible Gastroenteritis Virus (TGEV) and Porcine Deltacoronavirus (PDCoV) in multiplex RT-qPCR
bactotype Mastitis HP2+ PCR Kit (96 reactions)
For identification and differentiation of Mycoplasma bovis and Streptococcus agalactiae and identification of other relevant pathogenic Mycoplasma (Availability/distribution: Outside the U.S. and Canada)
virotype Mix +IC(TAMRA)-RNA
(Old name: virotype Mix +IC-RNA) RT-qPCR master mix and internal RNA control, for viral RNA
For detection of IgG antibodies to Sarcoptes scabiei var. suis (sarcoptic mange) in serum and plasma samples from pigs (Availability/distribution: Outside the U.S. and Canada)
cattletype MAP Ab Kit
For the detection of antibodies to Mycobacterium avium subsp. Paratuberculosis (Availability/distribution: Outside the U.S. and Canada)
virotype SARS-CoV-2 (IP4) Positive Control (30 reactions)
Synthetically derived nucleic acids of the SARS Coronavirus (Availability/distribution: Outside the U.S. and Canada)
virotype RT/Mix +IC-RNA (480 reactions)
RT-qPCR master mix and internal RNA control, for viral RNA
pigtype CSFV Erns Ab
For detection of antibodies to the Erns protein of the Classical Swine Fever Virus (CSFV) (Availability/distribution: Outside the U.S. and Canada)
For detection of IgG antibodies to Ehrlichia canis (ehrlichiosis) in serum and plasma samples from dogs (Availability/distribution: Outside the U.S. and Canada)
virotype PEDV/TGEV RT-PCR Kit (96 reactions)
For simultaneous detection of RNA from Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea Virus and Transmissible Gastroenteritis Virus (Availability/distribution: Outside the U.S. and Canada)
virotype PRRSV RT-PCR Kit
For detection of RNA from Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Virus (Availability/distribution: Outside the U.S. and Canada)
flocktype Salmonella Ab (2 ELISA plates)
For the detection of antibodies to Salmonella enteritidis and Salmonella typhimurium (Availability/distribution: Outside the U.S. and Canada)
intype IC-RNA (1ml)
RNA template control for RT-qPCR (amplification control/positive control for RNA extraction)
bactotype Mastitis Env PCR Kit (96 reactions)
For identification of DNA from Escherichia coli, Klebsiella, Streptococcus dysgalactiae, Streptococcus uberis and Trueperella pyogenes (Availability/distribution: Outside the U.S. and Canada)
pigtype Trichinella Ab (1 ELISA plate)
For detection of antibodies to Trichinella spp. (Availability/distribution: Outside the U.S. and Canada)
flocktype Mycoplasma Ms Ab (2 ELISA plates)
For the detection of antibodies to Mycoplasma synoviae (Availability/distribution: Outside the U.S. and Canada)
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