Cat. No.: PT273501

pigtype Trichinella Ab (1 ELISA plate)

For detection of antibodies to Trichinella spp. (Availability/distribution: Outside the U.S. and Canada) [Read more]

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The pigtype Trichinella Ab is a sensitive and specific indirect Multispecies-ELISA for detecting antibodies to Trichinella spp. in serum, plasma and meat juice samples from pigs.

  • Pig and wild boar serum and plasma samples can be tested as pools of up to 10 individual samples
  • Highly sensitive and specific multispecies assay - may also be used for other mammalian species e.g., horse, fox, and rodents
  • Effective method to monitor the infection status of herds over extended periods and to control the serological status of purchased animals
  • User-friendly, short and overnight protocols for fast results
  • Colored, ready-to-use reagents
  • Interchangeable kit components within pigtype product family: Sample Diluent, Wash Buffer, Substrate Solution, and Stop Solution

For up-to-date licensing information and product-specific disclaimers, see the respective handbook or user manual. Assays for veterinary use only. Regulatory requirements vary by country, product may not be available in your geographic area. PCR and ELISA kits availability/distribution: Outside the U.S. and Canada.


Product contents Microtiter plate with 96 wells; Sample Diluent, Positive Control, Negative Control, Wash Buffer, Conjugate, TMB Substrate, Stop Solution, Handbook
Pathogen type Parasite
Product type Ready-to-use assay
Species Swine
Pathogen investigated Trichinella spp.
Technology ELISA
Handbook pigtype Trichinella Ab (August 2018, EN)
Handbuch pigtype Trichinella Ab (August 2018, DE)
Certificates of Analysis (CoA)

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Safety Data Sheets

Safety Data Sheets (SDS) for product components are available on request.

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pigtype Salmonella Ab
For the detection of antibodies to salmonella serotypes of group B, C, D, and E (Availability/distribution: Outside the U.S. and Canada)