Cat. No.: SP947457

IndiMag Pathogen Kit (384 reactions)

(Old name: MagAttract 96 cador Pathogen Kit). For rapid and automated purification of nucleic acids from a wide range of animal samples based on magnetic bead technology. All-in-one box version: reagents and plasticware included! [Read more]

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The IndiMag Pathogen Kit simplifies the automated extraction of viral RNA/DNA and bacterial DNA on KingFisher and equivalent magnetic particle processors. Using Magnetic Bead Technology, contaminants and inhibitors are removed to yield pathogen nucleic acids that are ready for use in downstream applications, such as real-time PCR and RT-PCR. 

  • Developed and validated for a broad range of veterinary sample matrices, e.g. whole blood, serum, plasma, other body fluids, swabs, washes, and tissue
  • Quick and easy extraction in 30 minutes (plus preparation time)
  • Everything in one box: reagents and plasticware
Target analyte Viral RNA/DNA and bacterial DNA
Product contents Buffer VXL, Buffer ACB, Proteinase K, Carrier RNA (poly A), MagAttract Suspension G, Buffer AW1 (conc.), Buffer AW2 (conc.), Buffer AVE, Large 96-Rod-Cover, S-Block, 96-Well Microplate MP, Quick-Start protocol
Product type Extraction kit
Technology Magnetic bead
Handling Automated
Certificates of Analysis (CoA)

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Safety Data Sheets

Safety Data Sheets (SDS) for product components are available on request.

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Can frozen samples be used with the MagAttract 96 cador Pathogen Kit?
Frozen samples can be used with the MagAttract 96 cador Pathogen kit without loss of sensitivity. However, we do not recommend subjecting the samples to multiple freeze–thaw cycles prior to the procedure on the BioSprint 96 instrument.
Can the MagAttract 96 cador Pathogen Kit also be used on the KingFisher 96 or MagMAX Express 96 instruments? 
Yes, the MagAttract 96 cador Pathogen Kit can also be used on these platforms. KingFisher 96, KingFisher Flex and MagMAX Express 96 users can download an instrument run file of the QIAGEN protocol along with instrument upload instructions in the Resources section of the product webpage . 
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IndiMag Pathogen Kit w/o plastics (384 reactions)
(Old name: MagAttract 96 cador Pathogen Kit w/o Plastics) For rapid and automated purification of viral RNA/DNA and bacterial DNA from a wide range of animal samples based on magnetic bead technology. Choose if you own a IndiMag 48.
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